Islam Hadhari mengeliru dan gugat akidah - TG Presiden Pas
0 Comments Published by TasekPauh Blogspot on Thursday, February 21, 2008 at 11:11 PM.
Petikan dari
Thursday, 21 February 2008
Niat dan matlamat sebenar Islam Hadhari menjadi keliru sejak awal lagi. Nama nya yang bermaksud Islam Bertamaddun menggambarkan seolah-olah ianya adalah Islam yang baharu yang lebih bertamaddun dari Islam Al Quran yang asal. Ianya tambah mengelirukan kerana mempunyai rukun yang tidak sama dengan rukun Islam asal.
Islam Hadhari sejak penubuhannya lebih banyak membawa kekeliruan dan masalah kepada pemahaman Islam di kalangan rakyat. Bukan sahaja mereka yang bukan Islam bertambah menjadi sangat keliru, mereka yang beragama Islam, khususnya golongan muda dan mereka yang tidak berpendidikan tinggi menjadi kelam kabut. Antara perkara-perkara yang membawa kekeliruan ini ialah:
1. Penerusan Malaysia sebagai pusat pengeluaran arak, perjudian,dan lumba kuda terbesar di Asia Tenggara. Kegiatan-kegiatan ibu kemaksiatan ini terus berkembang dan dilesenkan oleh pentadbiran Islam Hadhari.
2. Konsert dan program hiburan yang melampau secara "live" dan melalui media massa meningkat lebih 100% sejak Islam Hadhari dilancarkan.
3. Isu murtad. Bilangan orang-orang Islam yang mengisytiharkan keluar dari Islam (murtad) secara rasmi meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Setakat belum ada sebarang inisiatif dari pentadbiran Islam Hadhari untuk mengekang masalah dan menjaga kemurnian akidah rakyat secara jelas. Bahkan cadangan PAS di parlimen ditolak mentah-mentah.
4. Gejala maksiat dikalangan pimpinan. Kebejatan moral yang begitu parah di kalangan pimpinan kerajaan UMNO/BN sendiri, khasnya dari mereka beragama Islam yang diketahui umum tidak menggambarkan kesungguhan diperingkat tertinggi dalam menghayati Islam hadhari.
Penegasan dan Gesaan
Cara Islam Hadhari diperkenalkan, kandungannya yang kosong, perlaksanaan yang terlalu bercelaru, sokongan kepimpinan sendiri yang tidak lebih dari tepian bibir mulut, pertentangan secara jelas dengan syariat dan akidah Islam ajaran Al Quran, benar-benar telah mengelirukan rakyat. Bahkan ia juga mudah membawa kepada kegelinciran aqidah Islam sebenar.
Dengan demikian, PAS dan rakyat Islam yang perihatin serta menyintai kemurnian akidah dan syariat Islam dengan tegasnya menggesa agar rakyat Malaysia seluruhnya menolak segala usaha yang membawa kepada kekeliruan dan kerosakan aqidah dan kembali kepada Islam yang sebenarnya.
19 Febuari 2008
Presiden, Parti Islam Se Malaysia (PAS)
Labels: Islam Hadhari, Malaysia, Pas, TG Abd Hadi Awang
Kalau Pakistan boleh bertukar, kenapa tidak Malaysia
0 Comments Published by TasekPauh Blogspot on Wednesday, February 20, 2008 at 12:03 AM.
Tariq Azeem, spokesman for the Pakistan Muslim League-Q (PML-Q), which backed Musharraf announced on Tuesday that the party would "accept the verdict of the nation".
"We officially concede defeat," he said. Lagi di sini.
Labels: Malaysia, Pilihanraya
Umno macam 'Orang Utan'
0 Comments Published by TasekPauh Blogspot on Tuesday, February 19, 2008 at 11:29 PM.
Kepada yang tidak sempat atau belum menyaksi berita tersebut yang disiarkan semalam, boleh klik berita TV3 di bawah.
Siapakah yang celupar sebenarnya.
“Dan sesungguhnya Kami jadikan untuk (isi neraka jahannam) kebanyakan dari jin dan manusia, mereka mempunyai hati, tetapi tidak dipergunakannya untuk memahami (ayat2 Allah) dan mereka mempunyai mata (tetapi) tidak dipergunakannya untuk melihat (tanda-tanda kekuasaan Allah), dan mereka mempunyai telinga (tetapi) tidak dipergunakannya untuk mendengar (ayat2 Allah). Mereka itu sebagai binatang ternak, bahkan mereka lebih sesat lagi. Mereka itulah orang2 yang lalai”. (Surah al-a’raf, 179)
Guna Istilah 'Orang Utan' Untuk Sedarkan UMNO, Kata Nik Aziz
Beliau berkata, Islam membenarkan umatnya menggunakan perkataan keras seperti itu semata-mata untuk menyedarkan golongan yang jauh tersesat.
"Orang yang tolak Islam bermakna dia tolak anugerah Allah. Dan kalau tolak anugerah Allah maksudnya setaraf dengan makhluk yang lain.
"Saya masih berlapik dengan gunakan perkataan Orang Utan dan tidak guna istilah "binatang" secara terang-terangan," katanya ketika ditemui pemberita di pejabatnya di sini, hari ini.
Dua hari lalu ketika di Kedah, Mursyidul Am Pas itu dilaporkan berkata, Pas Kelantan bukan berdepan dengan sebuah parti politik di negeri itu pada pilihan raya umum ini sebaliknya Orang Utan yang tidak tahu undang-undang dan agama.
Kenyataan itu telah menimbulkan kemarahan pemimpin Umno yang menyifatkan perbuatan menyamakan manusia dengan binatang adalah amat tidak wajar dan menghina.
Nik Abdul Aziz meminta pemimpin dan anggota Umno agar tidak cepat melatah sebaliknya memahami maksud sebenar yang tersirat daripada kenyataannya itu.
"Sekali sekala kita beri nasihat dan sekali sekala kita kena rotan kalau tidak endah juga.
"(Dalam hal ini) saya sudah nasihat dan kalau tidak dengar juga terpaksalah kita rotan," katanya.
Beliau berkata di dalam Al-Quran ada disebut orang yang menolak hukum Islam adalah diibarat seperti binatang.
"Tidak perlulah orang Umno nak terasa hati (atas kenyataannya itu)," katanya.
Dan sedikit selingan..
Labels: Malaysia, Nik Aziz, Pilihanraya, Umno
Perhimpunan Hindraf cuba ganggu pilihanraya
0 Comments Published by TasekPauh Blogspot on Saturday, February 16, 2008 at 11:23 PM.
Malaysia police fire tear gas at flower protest - Khaleej Times
Tear gas scatters Malaysian 'flower power' - Reuters
Ethnic Indians resort to Gandhigiri, face police crackdown
Vvaishnnavi's mother said her daughter was terrified when police was firing tear gas. "She saw the scene from the car and was terrified," Eshwari said.
Saturday's rally came ahead of general elections on March 8, a year ahead of schedule.
Labels: Hindraf, Malaysia, Pak Lah, Pilihanraya
Pak Lah penipu?
0 Comments Published by TasekPauh Blogspot on Wednesday, February 13, 2008 at 10:53 PM.

"..One day, I will die and according to Islam, Allah will judge me."
"Allah will evaluate me and question me if I have been just and fair. Have you done this or not? I cannot lie. Allah knows if I lie. As a Muslim, I cannot be enemies with others, I cannot hate any race, I cannot hate any group." Pak Lah, NST, Dec 02, 2007
Tapi orang kata Pak Lah pembohong.
It's hardly 24 Hour ... Wonder how much he lies in...
Who's lying now?
Cakap tak serupa bikin
kick out the liar
more - adopted from Husin Lempoyang
Labels: Islam Hadhari, Malaysia, Pak Lah, Pilihanraya
Video yang memalukan - Hasil pendidikan Islam BN
0 Comments Published by TasekPauh Blogspot on at 10:37 PM.
Wahai UMNO, Deris Hadhari dan Dollah Hadhari - Lihat Lah Video yang memalukan
Oleh ahmadhadeed, TranungKite

Labels: Islam Hadhari, Malaysia
BN tidak kejam - itu kata Najib
0 Comments Published by TasekPauh Blogspot on Sunday, February 10, 2008 at 9:28 AM.
Tiada kamus 'balas dendam' jika BN perintah K'tan, kata Najib
Timbalan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak semasa memberikan jaminan itu berkata adalah menjadi pendirian BN untuk menghormati parti lawan dan penyokong mereka malah mereka akan tetap mendapat layanan sama rata sekiranya BN memerintah di negeri itu. lagi
Labels: BN, Malaysia, Pilihanraya
Saya bekerja keras - Pak Lah
0 Comments Published by TasekPauh Blogspot on Saturday, February 09, 2008 at 9:27 AM.
PM: I work very hard
Rakyat tahu saya bekerja keras kata Abdullah
“It is God’s will that I become the Prime Minister of Malaysia and I am very conscious that I have to serve the people although I personally do not benefit even one bit because of this,” he said. -
"Saya sedar bahawa saya mesti berkhidmat pada rakyat walaupun secara peribadi tidak mendapat faedah walau satu sen," tegasnya.
Labels: Islam Hadhari, Malaysia, Pak Lah
Al-Azhar sokong Islam Hadhari - Yadim
0 Comments Published by TasekPauh Blogspot on Friday, February 08, 2008 at 9:52 AM.
Percaya Islam Hadhari?
Yadim Sees Al-Azhar's Support For Islam Hadhari
Its president, Datuk Mohd Nakhaie Ahmad, said the working papers to be tabled at the three-day conference from Feb 15 here were selected by the Al-Azhar University which supported the implementation of Islam Hadhari.
"They support the implementation of Islam Hadhari because this is the first time a country draws up a programme on Islamic civilisation when previously no other Islamic countries have translated government policies towards rebuilding Islamic civilisation," he told Bernama here Thursday.
He said Yadim, as the programme secretariat, would translate and publish all the working papers and resolutions of the conference and discuss with the university in implementing the resolutions at the global level on the belief that the governments of Islamic countries would give serious attention to the resolutions.
The conference, themed "Islam Hadhari: Between Heritage and Present Challenges", is expected to draw over 1,000 participants including from overseas.
Nakhaie said the Al-Azhar had given the mandate for Malaysia to decide the theme of the conference and titles of the working papers pointing to the theme.
He said scholars of the Al-Azhar were very excited to see the development and success of Islamic policies in Malaysia, such as in Islamic education, Tabung Haji pilgrimage fund and the Islamic financial system thrusting on Islamic civilisation.
Presently, he said, students from other Islamic countries were vying to further their studies in the religion and other fields in Malaysia, making it a hub for Islamic education and other fields of knowledge.
"The idea to hold the conference in this country came from the Sheikhul of Al-Azhar Dr Muhammed Sayyid Tantawi before it was agreed upon by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
"The Sheikhul of Al-Azhar is of the opinion that one Islamic country strong in understanding and implementing Islamic policies is Malaysia on the back of the present Islamic world which is unstable and plague by disturbances triggered by differences between schools of thought," he said.
Nakhaie said divisions in the various Islamic streams would be touched during the conference as among internal challenges in Islamic civilisation while one of the external challenges to be discussed would be western thoughts which could be accepted by Islam.
He said the scholars and conference participants would also discuss the question of Islamic civilisation heritage.
"We want the Islamic mainstream belief held by the Companions of the Prophet, the scholars who inherit their knowledge traditions and the Sunni in understanding the Quran, to be preserved," he said.
Labels: Islam Hadhari, Malaysia
Pak Lah ada perancangan untuk masa depan negara - Zam
0 Comments Published by TasekPauh Blogspot on at 9:49 AM.
Anda percaya?
Abdullah's Leadership Has Plans For Nation's Future, Says Zam
Information Minister Datuk Seri Zainuddin Maidin said that as the head of government, the Prime Minister has long-term plans for the people's socio-economic development.
He said it was not fair for anyone to evaluate Abdullah's performance and deliverance within a five-year period.
"In a matter of just one term (as prime minister), we cannot assess (his real performance). We must give a chance to the Prime Minister to lead the nation," he told reporters after dining with the Chinese community in Merbok here last night.
Zainuddin, who is also Merbok member of parliament, said that in five years Abdullah had proven his long-term planning through the introduction of regional development corridors -- Northern Corridor Economic Region (NCER), Eastern Corridor Economic Region (ECER), Iskandar Development Region (IDR) and Sabah Development Corridor (SDC).
The minister said the people had confidence in Abdullah's leadership to continue steering the nation to greater heights.
Zainuddin said the people of Kelantan would also enjoy more vigorous development if they voted out the PAS-led state government in favour of the Barisan Nasional (BN) in this general election.
He said the Abdullah-helmed government had improved the public delivery system to the people and had simplified procedures and made transactions easier with government departments and agencies.
The government had also taken measures to contain price hikes of essential goods and had preserved peace and harmony among the various races and had taken crime-prevention measures to address rising crime cases, he said.
The national economy had also recorded encouraging growth to stimulate the nation's future progress, he said.
"Hence, the people should continue to give their solid support to Abdullah's leadership," he added
Labels: Malaysia, Pak Lah, Pilihanraya, Zam