Erdogan tolak dakwaan bawa Turki jadi negara Islam moderat saperti Malaysia
0 Comments Published by TasekPauh Blogspot on Sunday, September 30, 2007 at 11:41 PM.
Islam Hadhari sebagai contoh?
Erdoğan rejects ‘
Today's Zaman - Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has responded to claims that ongoing efforts to rewrite the Turkish Constitution would undermine secularism and turn
"In the past, they used to say
In remarks following
Erdoğan said the "moderate Islam" thesis that fed the concerns over
The prime minister, who is in
Efforts to rewrite the Constitution are being met with skepticism in
Erdoğan said Islam prohibits the imposition of beliefs and whether people practice their beliefs or not. "Those who exercise their beliefs cannot and should not intervene in the way those who do not practice live, and vice versa," Erdoğan said.
He assured that the secularism as defined in the current constitution would be protected in the new constitution. However, the prime minister also said politicians should not be attacked because their wives want to wear a headscarf in line with their beliefs. Erdoğan's wife, Emine, wears a headscarf, as does the wife of President Abdullah Gül, Hayrünnisa. Mrs. Gül has been absent from most official ceremonies to avoid run-ins with military commanders, who see themselves as guardians of the secular republic and avoid receptions hosted by Gül and his wife.
Labels: Luar Negeri, Turkey
Gulf News, Sep 30 - In a significant move,
"The label of terrorist is suitable for the military and security forces of the
The motion comes after a US Senate resolution on Wednesday which called for
Hosseini said the resolution was an “unprecedented act” and giving any indication to this issue is “a threat and danger to global peace and security,” which would “weaken international bodies.”
Labels: Iran, Luar Negeri
Klip video Lingam: KeADILan serah memorandum pada Agong
0 Comments Published by TasekPauh Blogspot on Saturday, September 29, 2007 at 12:27 AM.
Penyerahan tersebut yang diketuai Presidennya, Datin Seri Wan Azizah Wan Ismail adalah untuk menuntut penubuhan suruhanjaya diraja bagi membersihkan imej sistem kehakiman.
Turut mengiringi beliau ialah tiga lagi pimpinan tertinggi partinya iaitu Setiausaha Agung, Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim, Ketua Penerangan, Tian Chua dan Ketua Angkatan Mudanya, Shamshul Iskandar Mat Akid.
Memorandum tersebut diserahkan kepada Ketua Pentadbiran Istana.
Sementara itu, Wan Azizah yang bercakap kepada media selepas penyerahan memorandum itu, berkata beliau memohon agar Tuanku Mizan menubuhkan suruhanjaya diraja untuk menyiasat bukan saja kesahihan video tetapi kandungannya juga.
"Apa yang didakwanya dan apa yang berlaku di dalam video itu lebih penting kerana ini melibatan kebebasan badan kehakiman negara yang bukan saja melibatkan keadilan kepada semua rakyat tetapi juga keadilan mereka yang memegang teraju keadilan itu sendiri dalam promosi mereka sebagai hakim di negara kita," katanya.
Tegasnya, perkara tersebut amat penting kerana sebagai rakyat di bawah naungan yang Dipertuan Agung, mereka merayu supaya melihat rintihan rakyatnya.
"Pegawai Tadbir Istana Negara yang menerima penyerahan dari kami menyatakan beliau akan persembahkan apa yang kita rintihkan kepada ke Bawah Duli Yang Di pertuan Agung," katanya.
Perkara seperti itu katanya bukan sekarang berlaku tetapi sudah lama iaitu sejak pemecatan bekas Ketua Hakim Negara, Tun Salleh Abas pada tahun 1988 lalu.
Sementara itu isi memorandum yang dihantar kepada pihak Istana adalah seperti berikut:
Ampun Tuanku,
Didoakan semoga DYMM Tuanku bersama DYMM Tuanku Permaisuri sentiasa di dalam lindungan dan rahmat Allah s.w.t.
Merujuk perkara diatas, sayugia dirafa’kan sembah bahawa pada minggu lepas Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim telah pun mendedahkan sebuah video rakaman perbualan telefon antara peguam VK Lingam dengan Ketua Hakim Negara Tun Ahmad Fairuz Abdul Halim. Video yang dirakam sekitar tahun 2002 ini mendedahkan wujud konspirasi dari pihak-pihak tertentu untuk melantik hakim-hakim yang dapat menjamin keputusan penghakiman yang selari dengan keinginan politik. Antara lain, nama-nama seperti Tan Sri Vincent Tan dan Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor disebut telah menaja usaha ini.
Maklumat ini mengesahkan kebimbangan sejak pemecatan Ketua Hakim Negara Tun Salleh Abbas pada tahun 1988 dan kenyataan bekas Ketua Hakim Negara Allahyarham Tun Mohammed Suffian pada tahun 2000 apabila beliau menyatakan bahawa beliau tidak bersedia berdepan dengan hakim sekarang apatah sekiranya beliau tidak bersalah.
Hujah ini diperkuat oleh tulisan Ke Bawah Duli Tuanku Raja Azlan Shah pada 2004 yang melahirkan kebimbangan terhadap terhakisnya keyakinan rakyat terhadap institusi kehakiman. Baginda juga menyesali bahawa mahkamah telah diperalatkan untuk memutuskan dengan sewenang-wenangnya bahawa “peranan oleh DYMM Raja-Raja Melayu†merupakan satu prosedur ringan semata-mata.
Imej institusi kehakiman negara kita yang sudah pun tercalar begitu lama sudah tentulah binasa sama sekali. Kes ini berkaitan dengan begitu banyak isu-isu membabitkan institusi kehakiman selama ini, termasuklah:
a) Insiden pemecatan Ketua Hakim Negara Tun Salleh Abas dan Hakim-Hakim Mahkamah Persekutuan Tan Sri Wan Suleman dan Datuk George Seah
b) Semua keputusan membabitkan kes Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim
c) Kes Wee Chee Keong
d) Kes Lim Guan Eng
Daulat Tuanku,
Berdasarkan keterangan tersebut, patik memohon agar DYMM Tuanku memperkenan membentuk sebuah Suruhanjaya DiRaja di bawah Akta Suruhanjaya Siasatan 1950. Suruhanjaya tersebut seharusnya diberi kuasa meneliti bukan sahaja kesahihan video tersebut, tetapi juga dakwaan yang dibuat di dalam video tersebut mengenai perlantikan hakim dan amalan rasuah di dalam institusi kehakiman. Hanya sebuah Suruhanjaya DiRaja yang melapor terus ke DYMM Tuanku dan mempunyai kuasa memanggil dan melindungi saksi dapat memulihkan keyakinan rakyat Malaysia terhadap institusi kehakiman negara.
Pihak patik bersedia sekiranya DYMM Tuanku berkenan bertemu dengan pihak patik untuk membincangkan perkara ini dengan lebih mendalam. Di dalam keadaan di mana maruah institusi kehakiman dan kerajaan kini sudah berada di dalam keadaan yang amat dasyat, DYMM Tuankulah yang dapat memainkan peranan yang adil dan saksama untuk mencari penyelesaian terhadap perkara ini bagi kebaikan seluruh rakyat Malaysia. Kuasa untuk menyelamatkan maruah negara kini berada di tangan DYMM Tuanku.
Patik mohon ampun dan maaf di atas segala kekurangan, dan menjunjung kasih di atas kesudian DYMM Tuanku menerima warkah ini.
Ampun Tuanku,
Dr. Wan Azizah Wan Ismail
Ahli Parlimen Permatang Pauh
Presiden Parti Keadilan Rakyat
Tragedi Batu Buruk: Pemuda PAS serah memorandum kepada PBB
0 Comments Published by TasekPauh Blogspot on Monday, September 24, 2007 at 11:54 PM.
Dewan Pemuda PAS Pusat melalui Ketua Pemudanya, Salahuddin Ayob telah menyerahkan memorandum aduan pencabulan hak asasi manusia yang berlaku dalam tragedi itu kepada PBB dalam satu pertemuannya di pejabat PBB di Jalan Dungun, Damansara hari ini.
Dalam memorandum itu, Pemuda PAS mengutarakan isu penggunaan peluru hidup oleh polis ke atas orang awam semasa insiden berdarah ceramah umum anjuran Gabungan Pilihan Raya Adil dan bersih (Bersih) di Batu Buruk.
Labels: batu burok, Malaysia, Polis
Kyrgyzstan - Pelajar perempuan tak dibenarkan berhijab ke sekolah
0 Comments Published by TasekPauh Blogspot on at 11:47 PM.
Kavkaz Center, Sep 24 - Disputes over the hijab, traditional Moslem headgear, continue to torment Kyrgyz schools. They inevitably become outright heated with the onset of every school year. This time, however, the ban to wear the hijab at schools will apparently become official (principals ascribe it to the new school charters).

The Nookat district of the Osh region is not an exception. Every school there has a score of girls who wear the hijab. Teachers want them bareheaded in class and threaten with expulsion for disobedience. more on KC..
Labels: Islamophobia, kyrgyztan, Luar Negeri, sekularisma
Pakistan - Pembangkang ancam demonstrasi jika Musharraf dilantik lagi
0 Comments Published by TasekPauh Blogspot on at 11:39 PM.
Kudus Yolu - Abdul Ghaffar Aziz of the Islamic Group in Pakistan declared that the group approves that all politicians and citizens in exile can return back to Pakistan becaue it is their homeland and no one can deny them the right to return home. Although the Supreme Court issued a ruling allowing Nawaz Sharif to return to Pakistan , it is actually outlandish to deport him again out of Pakistan .

Regarding Bhutto"s statement that she doesn"t plan to deal with Islamists, Abd Al-Ghaffar said " Bhutto"s attitude towards Islamists is well known for years. She tries to woo the US administration adopts the US views and issues statements that she sees as appealing to the US administration. Her attitudes towards Kashmir issue and the US bombardment to tribal regions is clear from the beginning. She wants to prove that she bolder, more sincere, more efficient, and more obedient to US orders in its fight to what Washington calls "terrorists" and any religious one. They are eventually unsuccessful attempts because the U.S. can not succeed in what security forces failed to realize."
Regarding the presidential elections, Abd Al-Ghaffar declared that the election commission issued a ruling on Monday canceling a provision banning that state employees from running for elections, a scheme from Mosharraf to enable him to pursue his reelection bid. However, the judiciary is expected to reject this amendment. Such weak attempts to amend the constitution will be useless to him and his aides.
Aziz added: "There are opposition parties that agreed on rejected reelecting Mosharraf, threatening with submitting a mass resignation to parliament and leave local governments in two Pakistani provinces. It is well known that election takes place here through the Central Council, the Senate and four provincial councils which elect the president. If two councils resigned, there will be no election. If Misharraf insisted on pursuing his bid, we would take to streets to show the public opinion"s rejection to dictatorship. Also, opposition parties threaten with not participating in any general elections if he is reelected. His only option is to resign from both posts and we know that this will not be easily realized. " Quds Way - (Kudus Yolu) published on Sept 22.
Latest - Pakistan crackdown intensifies - alJazeera
Labels: Luar Negeri, Musharraf, Pakistan
Pak Lah gesa orang Islam hayati al-Quran!
0 Comments Published by TasekPauh Blogspot on at 12:07 AM.
PM Urges Muslims To Master The Quran
He said they should not only be able to recite the verses in it but must understand well the language used to appreciate their deep meaning.
"If we are able to master the Holy Book, we will gain a tremendous amount of knowledge that will be useful in our lives here and the hereafter," he said at a Quran recital ceremony held at the official residence of Johor Menteri Besar Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman, here Sunday.
The Prime Minister who came with his wife Datin Seri Jeanne Abdullah to attend the ceremony, said the Quran taught that it is important for Muslims to seek knowledge for their own betterment.
He also hoped changes made to school curricula to help Muslims students to master the Quran would hold them in good stead.
Earlier, Abdullah and Jeanne were greeted on arrival at the Sultan Ismail International Airport in Senai by Ghani, his wife Prof Datin Dr Jemilah Ariffin, state executive councillors and Johor Umno leaders.
Also present at tonight's function were were cabinet ministers from Johor. Among them were Education Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein, Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin and Entrepreneur Development and Cooperatives Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin.
After the Quran recital ceremony, the Prime Minister and his wife broke fast with those present before performing the Maghrib and Tarawih prayers.
They left for Kuala Lumpur after the Tarawih prayers ended.
Labels: Islam Hadhari, Malaysia, Pak Lah
Insiden Batu Burok - Seorang Imam lagi akan dipecat selepas dikenal pasti
0 Comments Published by TasekPauh Blogspot on Saturday, September 22, 2007 at 2:16 PM.
Another imam faces expulsion for role in riot
By R.S.N. MURALI, theStarOnline
KUALA TERENGGANU, Sep 21 - One imam has been sacked and another may face the same outcome if he is found to be directly involved in the Sept 8 riot in Batu Burok here.
State Islam Hadhari Development and Welfare committee chairman Datuk Rosol Wahid said severe action was meted out against the imam from Kampung Kebun Air, Manir, here as his behaviour was unbecoming.
He said the other imam from Kampung Pak Madah, Alor Limbat, Marang, caught on video shouting at Federal Reserve Unit personnel, during the riot, could face similar punishment.
Rosol said he has strong evidence that the imam was involved in the riot.
Rosol said the imam had misbehaved during the riot and, as a religious man, he should not have conducted himself in such a manner.
"We can't be lenient on such cases as their actions are unacceptable.
"They should be the one leading the way but these imams are manifesting negative traits while professing beliefs and opinions that they do not hold," he said. Meanwhile, more people on Friday surrendered to the police to help facilitate the probe into the riot after their pictures appeared in the newspaper.
Police earlier this week said that if the individuals sought in connection with the riot did not surrender by Friday, a manhunt would be launched to track them down.
Labels: batu burok, Islam Hadhari, Polis, Terengganu
Video VK Lingam - Reaksi pertama Pak Lah pula
0 Comments Published by TasekPauh Blogspot on at 12:00 AM.
PM: I'm disappointed
PUTRAJAYA, Sept 21, 2007 - Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi says he is disappointed by the release of a video clip depicting a conversation, allegedly between a lawyer and a judge, on the fixing of judicial appointments.
"I have received a copy of the video from the police along with the transcript of the conversation. I have also viewed the recording.
"Whether whatever transpired is true or not has yet to be confirmed. We have to verify the authenticity of the video," Abdullah told reporters after chairing a Police Commission meeting of which he is in charge of promotions, salary revisions and disciplinary matters in the Internal Security Ministry today.
"This issue is important as it has caused a lot of damage to the country's judiciary system. If the evidence show what transpired in the video was not the truth, action should be taken against those who released the video, as well as all those who lodged ACA reports.
"I am disappointed. The video was released with the aim of getting the people angry with the country's judiciary system," he told a press conference.
Asked whether a special commission would be set up to investigate the case, he said: "There is no need for one."
..more including:
DPM: Authenticity of of video recording needs to be established first
Tunku Aziz, Param urge PM to stop the judiciary rot
Reaksi BN terhadap video VK Lingam
0 Comments Published by TasekPauh Blogspot on Friday, September 21, 2007 at 6:03 PM.
Establish if lawyer brokering video is authentic first: Najib
SUBANG, Sep 21 - The Government will have to first establish the authenticity of the video footage of a senior lawyer brokering the appointment of judges, before deciding on any action, said the Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
Najib said he personally had not seen the footage.
However, he stressed that it was important to establish the veracity of the footage "before jumping to any conclusion."
"Modern day technology can also be abused and fabricated. So before we conclude anything let us establish whether there is basis or not," Najib told reporters after launching the Malaysia Airlines Engineering Training Center here on Friday.
Asked if an investigation on the matter would be carried out, he said: "We have to establish it first. Then whatever it is, we will decide at the next stage."
To a question, Najib said he had "not formally" spoken to Chief Justice Tun Ahmad Fairuz Sheikh Abdul Halim about the matter.
Probed further on whether he had engaged in communication with the Chief Justice, Najib said: "I think you better ask the Chief Justice, in this regard."
On Wednesday, Parti Keadilan Rakyat released a videoclip, purportedly shot in 2002, which it obtained recently of the lawyer talking on the telephone to someone who seemed to be a senior judge about how he (the lawyer) had helped get this judge appointed to one of the top judiciary posts.
According to the telephone conversation, the appointment was done through a prominent businessman and a politician.
The lawyer was heard saying that he was working through the two persons to get the judge elevated even further and get him a “Tan Sri” title. The names of a number of prominent judges were also mentioned in the video.
Lihat juga: Nazri says he's unaware of judge fixing video
Erdogan - kritikan tidak adil, penindasan tidak benar
0 Comments Published by TasekPauh Blogspot on at 6:01 PM.
Erdoğan: Criticism unjust, fears unfounded
Today's Zaman, Sep 20 - Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan rejected criticism yesterday of ongoing efforts to write a new constitution and said concerns that
The prime minister, speaking at a press conference in the capital, also signaled a draft constitution would include phrases removing the ban on wearing the headscarf in universities. "We are talking about freedoms here," Erdoğan said, when he was asked to state his opinion on whether the ban should be lifted. "The headscarf is not a symbol for a political party." He also complained, however, that the entire efforts to rewrite the constitution are being reduced to the headscarf issue.
Earlier in the day, Erdoğan said in remarks published by the Financial Times that the right to higher education cannot be restricted because of what a student wears. "There is no such problem in Western societies, but there is a problem in
Erdoğan's Justice and Development Party (AK Party) has formed a group of legislators and scholars to write a new constitution that will replace the current one, written during military rule following a coup in 1980. The scholars' draft, which contains alternative proposals to lift the headscarf ban, was reviewed by AK Party officials last weekend, but there was no clarity after the meeting if the AK Party favored keeping the proposals, with reports saying that the final decision was left to Erdoğan.
Members of the opposition have accused the government of trying to put an Islamic stamp on the constitution and erode the secular traditions of the predominantly Muslim nation. At a press conference earlier yesterday, university rectors said the ban cannot be removed and called for a halt to efforts to rewrite the constitution.
Erdoğan responded to rectors, saying they had no right to decide whether the process of rewriting the constitution should continue or be halted. “They should mind their own business,” he said.
Asked to comment on arguments that women not wearing a headscarf would feel under pressure to wear the headscarf if the official ban is lifted, Erdoğan said: “The women should not worry at all. We have been in power for five years. What happened? Was there anything wrong during that period?”
Şerif Mardin, a respected sociologist, said in remarks in a weekend interview that have widely been quoted in the Turkish press since then that the headscarf ban should definitely be lifted, but added that he cannot tell women not to worry about their future.
Erdoğan asserted that the new constitution would extend freedoms. “We are working with a pro-freedom approach. We don’t want
The current constitution has often been criticized as being too restrictive and several nongovernmental organizations are known to have prepared alternatives. Erdoğan said the current constitution has already lost its uniformity due to previous amendments that have altered one-third of its text.
Responding to criticism from the staunchly secular opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) and others that the reform efforts were not transparent and participatory, Erdoğan said there was no finalized draft opened to debate yet and emphasized that
Accordingly, when the draft is finalized, it will be discussed with all political parties and sent to universities, media institutions and nongovernmental organizations for maximum public debate ahead of the text’s presentation to Parliament. It will also be posted on the Internet for public access, he said.
“We are drafting a constitution for
Labels: Luar Negeri, Turkey
Turki - Erdogan dan pengharaman tudung kepala di universiti
0 Comments Published by TasekPauh Blogspot on at 12:34 AM.
Question: Your party, the AKP (Justice and Development), is preparing a new Turkish constitution. Your critics in some circles suspect that you are trying to use this as an opportunity to change
Recep Tayyip Erdogan: It is strange. Before we formed a government five years ago, all political parties agreed that we needed to create a new, civilian constitution. Our current constitution, as well as the one that preceded it, has no civilian foundations ...
Question: ... it originated under the direction of the military after a putsch ...
Erdogan: We want a constitution that is going to protect a state that is a democratic, secular and social state of law. First it is about individual freedoms. We are putting forward a proposal, a draft, that we will discuss with all parties in parliament, the NGOs and the universities. We will debate it in the widest sense possible before we put it forward to a vote. That is our responsibility -- after all, the constitution is going to point Turkey in a certain direction.
Question: Talking about freedoms, the headscarf ban has been underlined as the most critical issue when it comes to constitutional changes, and there is widespread understanding that that issue is going to be presented for your consideration as prime minister. What is your take on that?
Erdogan: Freedom of religion and conscience is a part of democracy that cannot be neglected. The same applies to the right to obtain an education. I believe that anyone who calls himself a democrat thinks that a person cannot be denied a university education simply because that person wears a headscarf. There is no such problem in Western societies, so why is there one in
Question: The draft just presented by a commission of legal experts appointed by you says very clearly that: "Nobody can be refused a higher education on the grounds of their clothing and appearance."
Erdogan: What we have now is just a draft and no decisions have been made about what will be written in the constitution in the end. You also have to understand that it wouldn't be novel in any way in
Question: You claim you want to strengthen secular and democratic laws. Does that also apply to freedom of opinion, which is especially important to
Erdogan: We will be able to overcome all this. We are going to finish this in 2008.
Question: Do you feel there are false perceptions in the West of your party when it comes to Islamic references?
Erdogan: It makes me sad when the AKP is described in articles as a religiously based party. People should take a look at our political program and our set of codes and listen to what we are saying. It is rude and unfair against any party that is saying it is not religiously centered as an Islamic Party, and so is trying to pinpoint it in a certain area just by looking at our family lives. Do people who try to be religiously observant in their private lives not have the right to be active in politics? In the West, that is quite accepted, and it is also perceived as something good. There, one can speak openly about being a Christian Democrat. Of course, we have never accepted the name "Muslim Democrats" because that would be exploiting religion. Because our religion is free of errors, but in our political party we may commit mistakes or wrongdoings. That's why we say we are conservative.
Question: There are still reservations about your party in your own country. Take, for example, the attitude of the military towards the new president, Abdullah Gül.
Erdogan: Our relationship with the Turkish people is very good. The only other time in Turkish history that a governing party improved its results in an election (as we succeeded in doing this July) was in 1954. That shows how much belief the people have in us. We are the only party in parliament that has representatives from 80 out of 81 cities.
Question: Does the military recognize that?
Erdogan: I'm not the right person to whom this question should be asked. The army has a role that is clearly written in the constitution and they are acting on that. But the military is not the policy-maker -- that's the job of the Turkish people. And the people have made the decision.
Question: The conflict with your neighbor,
Erdogan: It would be entirely wrong to start any kind of military operation against
Question: So do you trust the Iranian leaders?
Erdogan: So long as the contrary has not been proven, we have to trust them. I, too, am opposed to weapons of mass destruction. But it is unacceptable to say that other countries may possess weapons of mass destruction but not
Question: The
Erdogan: It is not as if our relations with
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan answered the questions of SPIEGEL correspondent Annette Grossbongardt in the context of an interview given to SPIEGEL, the New York Times and the Financial Times.
Labels: Luar Negeri, Turkey
Pendedahan video klip VK Lingam oleh Anwar
0 Comments Published by TasekPauh Blogspot on at 12:09 AM.
Lagi dari blog Jeff Ooi:
Growing calls for CJ to step down
Lame-ass Press
PKR lodges ACA report over video clip on judiciary appointments
Llew-Ann Phang and Suresh Ram - Sun2Surf
Sivarasa told reporters the party had arranged for an appointment with FT ACA director Acting Senior Commissioner I Abu Zubir Mahfodz @ Hatmon to submit a written report on the eight-minute video recording which showed a prominent lawyer discussing judicial appointments over the telephone with a senior judge, an audio recording lasting less than a minute and a copy of the press release PKR issued at its press conference chaired by party adviser Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim yesterday.
Anwar did not reveal the source of the video but said it was recorded in 2002 and showed that judicial appointments could be fixed.
"This is a follow-up action by the PKR after the expose yesterday of the video which was recorded in the lawyer’s home in Kelana Jaya," Sivarasa said.
The content of the video, he said, was a telephone conversation between the lawyer and the then Chief Judge of Malaya – the number three position in the judiciary – who was also the acting Court of Appeal president.
"We believe that the content of the conversation involves corruption among senior judges.
"The audio recording exposes the political conspiracy between the lawyer and a top level Umno official to sack Anwar from his position," he said.
Sivarasa added that PKR president Datin Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail had announced in an earlier press conference that the party would seek an audience with the Conference of Rulers to present them with the material and with Perak’s Sultan Azlan Shah, who was once head of the judiciary.
When contacted later, an ACA spokesman confirmed receiving the report from PKR and said the agency will be investigating the case.
Meanwhile, the senior lawyer could not be reached for comment. A staff in his legal firm said he was abroad and would continue to be away at least until the end of the month.
Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Mohd Nazri Abdul Aziz, who handles the law portfolio, said the case of various parties featured in the video clip and alleged conspiracy in judiciary appointments should go through the proper channel and the relevant authorities such as the police or the ACA.
He said if this was not done, the authorities would only treat the issue as nothing more than a media report.
"There needs to be a proper channel (for the video to be investigated and) for me to call for an explanation," he said, when contacted.
Nazri said he would wait for the ACA to complete its investigations before taking any further action on the matter.
"I would be able to say more … once the investigations are completed," he said.
Meanwhile, the Bar Council has postponed its meeting on the controversial video from today [Friday] to tomorrow [Saturday]. Its vice-president, Ragunath Kesavan, said the meeting would involve all the members of the Bar Council.
"We would be discussing the video in general," he said, when contacted.
Parliamentary Opposition Leader Lim Kit Siang said in a statement he has written to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, calling on him to invoke Article 125 of the Federal Constitution to suspend the judge in question, as well as establish a judicial tribunal to investigate the matter.
Suara Rakyat Malaysia said the revelation would have serious consequences and affect public and international confidence in the judicial system in Malaysia.
Iran 'serang' American French
0 Comments Published by TasekPauh Blogspot on Tuesday, September 18, 2007 at 12:21 AM.
France warns: War with Iran - Gulfnews
Iran attack 'American' French
Tehran, Sep 17 - Iran's official media on Monday accused France of being more hard line than Americans after the French foreign minister warned of a possible war against Iran.
"The new occupants of the Elysee want to copy the White House," the state-run Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) news agency wrote in an editorial, referring to the French presidential palace.
IRNA said that since French President Nicolas Sarkozy promoted closer ties with the United States, "he has taken on an American skin".
Labels: France, Iran, Luar Negeri, U.S.
Lagi laporan Pak Lah di Kelantan - RM378m untuk Tanah Merah
0 Comments Published by TasekPauh Blogspot on Sunday, September 16, 2007 at 11:28 PM.
Pak Lah janji projek baru di Kelantan.
RM378 Million For Development Projects In Tanah Merah
He said among the projects were the building of a National Youth Skills Training Institute (IKBN), Mara Junior Science College (MRSM) and a polyclinic, and expansion of the Tanah Merah Hospital.
The IKBN would cost RM80 million, polyclinic RM20 million, hospital expansion RM70 million, MRSM RM65 million, building of Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Belimbing RM18 million, replacing buildings of a primary and secondary school RM25 million, village roads and social programmes RM30 million, and flyover across the railway track RM70 million, he disclosed.
Abdullah was speaking at a meet-the-people session and breaking of fast held at the Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Tanah Merah 1 here.
Present at the function were Abdullah's wife Datin Seri Jeanne Abdullah, Higher Education Minister Datuk Mustapa Mohamed, Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Dr Awang Adek Hussin, Natural Resources and Environment Ministry's Parliamentary Secretary Datuk Sazmi Miah and Kelantan Umno Liaison chief Datuk Seri Annuar Musa.
Terenggnu Umno was represented by its Liaison Committee deputy chairman Datuk Tengku Putera Tengku Awang at the gathering of more than 10,000 people.
Abdullah said the Barisan Nasional government was fair to all parties in the country by ensuring that no one was deprived of enjoying the benefits of development.
"We do not concentrate on one area only but development is spread out and fair to all communities.
"This is what we have planned and want all to benefit from it."
He added that smooth implementation of the development projects would require the cooperation of all quarters.
At the function, Abdullah received a pram for his new grandson who his his daughter Nori gave birth to on the first day of Ramadan.
Abdullah and his wife then performed terawih prayer at the Al-Ubudiah Mosque in Labok, Machang before returning to Kuala Lumpur.
Labels: Islam Hadhari, Kelantan, Malaysia, Pak Lah
Kata Pak Lah, pimpinan Islam Hadhari.
Islam Is Against Rioting, Says Abdullah
He said rioting at public places was incompatible with a peaceful and harmonious country like Malaysia.
"People in this country want to live in peace and reject any form of violence by any group of dissatisfied individuals.
"We don't want to see any group go berserk, riot or create such disturbances.
"Allah also does not want people go on rampage and cause damage on this earth," he added at the handing-over of aid to single mothers and the poor in the Pasir Mas and Rantau Panjang parliamentary constituencies at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Kangkong, here.
Present at the function were state Umno Liaison Committee chairman Datuk Seri Annuar Musa, Higher Education Minister Datuk Mustapa Mohamed and Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Dr Awang Adek Hussein.
Abdullah was responding on the rioting incidents in Jalan Sultan Mahmud and Batu Buruk, Terenggnu on Sept 8 involving hundreds of people believed to be supporters of opposition parties.
In the incident in Jalan Sultan Mahmud, the national flag was set ablaze and seven people, including four policemen, were injured following clashes with police after the crowd was told to disperse from the illegal assembly.
Abdullah said the people of this country should be thankful for the prevailing peace and political stability.
"In some other countries, the people continue to suffer due to the violent conflicts while we benefit from our country's peaceful situation.
"In fact, in certain countries, the Muslims cannot carry out their religious obligations with ease due to the tumultuous situations, while Muslims in Malaysia can do so in peace and comfort," he added.
Labels: batu burok, Islam Hadhari, Malaysia, Pak Lah, Polis
Abdullah Arrives For Half-a-day Visit To Kelantan
Abdullah and his wife, Datin Seri Jeanne Abdullah, were greeted by state Umno and Barisan Nasional (BN) component party leaders and senior federal government officials at Sultan Ismail Petra Airport in Pengkalan Chepa.
Soon after arrival, the prime minister headed to Pasir Mas to present alms to single mothers and the poor at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Kangkong.
From there he will proceed to Tanah Merah to address a leader-with-the-people gathering and break fast at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Tanah Merah 1, while Jeanne, in a separate programme, will hand out Hari Raya goodies to disabled children at a supermarket here.
After breaking fast, Abdullah and Jeanne will leave for Machang to perform tarawih prayers at Al-Ubudiah Mosque in Labok before returning to Kuala Lumpur.
This is Abdullah's third visit to Kelantan in less than two months, with the first on Aug 2 and on Aug 17.
Labels: batu burok, Malaysia, Pak Lah, Polis
Perbaiki diri sempena Ramadhan untuk jadi orang yang lebih baik
0 Comments Published by TasekPauh Blogspot on Saturday, September 15, 2007 at 11:42 PM.
nasihat Najib..
Malaysians Lucky To Observe Ramadan In Comfort, Says Najib
He pointed out that there were countries which had gained independence about the same time as Malaysia or earlier, but their people were exposed to various problems and threats.
As such, Malaysians must uphold the country's independence gained 50 years ago for greater progress and prosperity, he said when attending a breaking of the fast with the people of Kampung Batu 8, Lepar here this evening.
He said the government would also continue with efforts to bring further development to the country so that the people could enjoy a better standard of living.
"No one can deny that the government has brought much changes to the country," Najib said.
At the function, which was also attended by Najib's wife, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor, the Deputy Prime Minister presented food aid to 67 senior citizens and single mothers.
He said that Muslims should cleanse their soul during the month of Ramadan to become a much better person.
Labels: Islam Hadhari, Malaysia, Najib
PLKN - Keluarga Mohd Rafi saman kerajaan
0 Comments Published by TasekPauh Blogspot on Friday, September 14, 2007 at 12:01 AM.
RM10 mil suit filed against NS camp and Govt over death of trainee
KUALA LUMPUR, Sep 13 - The family of National Service trainee Mohd Rafi Ameer, who had died on Sept 1, has filed a RM10 mil suit against the Cheneh Cemerlang camp commandant and the Government,claiming he had died as a result of consuming food tainted with animal faeces,
His elder sister Jubaidah, 25, said the Kemaman hospital informed her on Aug 31night, just hours before Mohd Rafi died, that he had most probably eaten the contaminated food.
The former clerk is suing the commandant Lt Kdr Mohd Najib Lotpy Mat Nor and the government for negligence, resulting in the death of Mohd Rafi, who is the fourth of six siblings.
According to the statement of claim filed at the High Court registry here Thursday, Mohd Rafi had reported to the Cheneh Cemerlang camp in Kemaman on June 17 but had called home on Aug 24 complaining of fever and not being sent to any medical centre for treatment.
"After a week (Aug 31), he called home again. By then the deceased had complained of fever and swelling in the legs due to a fall during training. He said he had not been sent for treatment and was only given painkillers by the staff in the camp,'' Jubaidah said in the statement of claim.
She added that she then contacted an officer in the camp to find out the exact situation but was scolded. The officer, she said, told her that her brother was well and the camp management would do the necessary if the situation demanded it.
"After that, my brother again called home stating that his condition had deteriorated. His vision had become more blurred by then and everything he saw seemed yellowish.
"He was still not taken for treatment anywhere,'' she said.
Jubaidah said she called up the camp officer again and queried why her brother had been denied medical attention. She said that the officer still maintained that Mohd Rafi was well and did not need any treatment and forbade her from taking the deceased for treatment.
"He called me again after that saying that he was vomiting and in great pain. He pleaded for me to go to him as soon as possible. It was only at 10pm that night (Aug 31) that he was sent to the Kemaman hospital,'' she said.
Jubaidah said her brother managed to contact her at the hospital stating that he was already vomiting blood and had breathing difficulties. The hospital then informed the family that Mohd Rafi's condition was critical and his condition was most probably caused by consumption of animal faeces.
The hospital decided to transfer Mohd Rafi to the Tengku Ampuan Afzan Hospital in Kuantan at 9pm on Sept 1, but he died on the way there.
Jubaidah claims that the defendants were negligent, among others, in not providing a clean and safe environment in the camp.
At the courthouse yesterday, Jubaidah said her brother was reluctant to attend the NS training but was forced to do so.
She hopes that the suit will serve as a lesson to the authorities when handling similar cases in future.
Apart from the RM10mil, Jubaidah is also seeking an additional special damages of RM18,040 in the suit filed through M.K. Othman & Co. theStarOnline
Siapakah pembakar bendera?
0 Comments Published by TasekPauh Blogspot on Thursday, September 13, 2007 at 11:48 PM.
KUALA TERENGGANU, Sep 13 - Prize money of RM5,000 and an Umrah package for Muslims is being offered for information leading to the arrest of the person pictured torching Malaysian flag during the riot at Batu Burok, here Saturday.
The State Umno Youth would hand over the money to the informer upon the arrest of the person and the offer of reward is even open to opposition members.
“This is a promise that we will keep. We want the culprit to be nabbed,'' State Umno Youth chief Razali Idris said Thursday.
He said Umno Youth wanted to know the identity of the culprit and the same sentiment is shared by other Barisan Nasional Youth.
"This is not a question of political difference but more a matter of patriotism,'' he said.
A man wearing a helmet was captured in film while torching the flag on Saturday riot. State police chief Senior Asst Comm Datuk Ayub Yaakob said police were still in the midst of identifying the man and was optimistic that the offender would be apprehended.
SAC Ayub said organisers of ceramah must apply for permits, adding that the police would only issued them if all prerequisites were met.
He said a series of ceramahs were organised without permits previously and police had only asked the organiser of Saturday’s gathering to apply for permission because of to the location of the gathering. mStarOnline
Opposition parties PAS and PKR today urged the police to reveal the identity of the man photographed burning the national flag during the clash in Kuala Terengganu over the weekend.
The photograph, which showed a man wearing a crash helmet, was published by almost all the major dailies.
In a joint press conference in Kuala Lumpur, both PAS and PKR stressed that the police were capable of identifying the culprit.
PKR Youth chief Shamsul Iskandar Akin said there were good reasons to suspect that those involved in the incident were agent provocateurs out to tarnish the name of opposition parties.
“We see the pictures in the newspapers and we know, they were taken by the police,” he claimed, adding that there were reports in the Chinese media stating that the police had confiscated the cameras of pressmen during the incident.
Labels: batu burok, Malaysia, Polis
Insiden Batu Burok - Imam akan diambil tindakan
0 Comments Published by TasekPauh Blogspot on at 11:44 PM.
Imam identified in Saturday's riot, faces action
KUALA TERENGGANU, Sep 13 - The Imam of a mosque has landed himself in trouble for participating in Saturday night's riot at Batu Burok here.
The Imam, who is in his late 40s, was caught on police's video and was said to have acted violently during the melee.
His name was released by the police on Thursday.
State Islam Hadhari Development and Welfare committee chairman Datuk Rosol Wahid said the Imam could face disciplinary charges and subsequently risk being fired for his involvement in the riot.
"We will not tolerate this ... he should be the one setting a good example, this is sheer hypocrisy," he said.
Meanwhile, State police chief Senior Asst Comm Datuk Ayub Yaakob said police are in the midst of gathering statements from 22 of the rioters.
A report of its probe will be submitted to Deputy Public Prosecutor.
He said the probe on the riot would be carried out transparently without any prejudice.
"If my men were at fault then they would have to face the consequences," said SAC Ayub, who earlier briefed civil servants at Wisma Darul Iman here on what actually transpired on that day. theStarOnline
Labels: batu burok, Malaysia, Polis
Insiden Batu Burok - Keluarga mangsa buat laporan polis
0 Comments Published by TasekPauh Blogspot on at 11:41 PM.
Police reports lodged over shooting during riot
KUALA TERENGGANU, Sep 12 - Family members of two men who were inadvertently shot during a riot on Saturday night have lodged police reports over the incident.
The reports were made at 4.15pm and 6.35pm at district police headquarters here on Monday.
State Deputy CID chief Supt Khairi Ahrasa said the reports were made by the siblings of the men who were recuperating at Hospital Sultanah Nur Zahirah and Universiti Sains Malaysia hospital in Kubang Kerian, Kelantan.
He said police would start investigations into the two reports while probes into the riot were being conducted.
One of the injured men is being investigated for attempted murder under the Penal Code, he said.
The riot started when police tried to disperse an illegal gathering of more than 500 people at a gathering organised by Bersih, a coalition of 60 non-governmental organisations pushing for electoral reform.
The gathering was supported by opposition parties PAS, Parti Keadilan Rakyat and DAP.
Seven people were injured and 23 arrested, of whom 19 were later released.
PAS said it would hand a memorandum to Bukit Aman alleging police brutality and the use of live bullets during the riot.
PAS deputy president Nasharudin Mat Isa said the party lodged a complaint with the National Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam) on Monday.
“We plan to take this all the way up to the United Nations Human Right Commission,” he said after the launch of the PAS For All campaign at its office in Jalan Raja Laut, Kuala Lumpur.
He said the party did not believe that the man photographed wearing a helmet and burning the national flag was a PAS member.
He said PAS would be holding another ceramah at 9.30pm on Sept 14 in Rusila, Terengganu.
Asked if they had a police permit for the gathering, he said: “We do not need one because it is within our own vicinity (compound).” theStarOnline
Labels: batu burok, Malaysia, Polis
Ramadhan 1428H Telah Tiba
0 Comments Published by TasekPauh Blogspot on Wednesday, September 12, 2007 at 11:48 PM.
Sebagaimana yang dilaporkan oleh mStarOnline
Desperation leads cop to snatch woman’s bag
IPOH, Sep 11 - The policeman, who was caught red-handed snatching a woman's handbag on Monday, was believed to have been driven to crime as he needed money to treat his ailing mother.
According to a police source, the 27-year-old constable, who joined the police force in 2003, was desperate for money as he also has a wife and four-month-old baby to feed.
During the 1pm incident, the constable had snatched the victim's handbag from her lap as she was sitting at the outdoor sitting area of her husband's café in Ipoh Garden South here.
He managed to run into an alley where his motorcycle was parked.
The café owner, who heard his wife's cries for help, chased after the constable who was trying to start up his motorcycle.
Upon hearing the commotion, several customers helped to catch the constable, whose identity was revealed when police arrived at the scene and checked his identification card.
It is believed that the constable, who was not in his uniform, was not working that day.
According to acting Ipoh OCPD Superintendent Lai Yong Heng, the constable was attached to the Manjoi police station.
The constable, he said, had been remanded for four days until Friday to facilitate investigations. mStarOnline
Rusuhan dirancang pembangkang - versi Pak Lah
1 Comments Published by TasekPauh Blogspot on at 12:45 AM.
KUCHING, 11 Sep - Datuk Seri Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi berkata kejadian rusuhan di Terengganu tiga malam lepas merupakan satu taktik yang sengaja dirancang oleh parti pembangkang yang gagal membangunkan negeri itu.
Katanya insiden yang berlaku apabila 500 penyokong pembangkang bertindak agresif setelah diminta oleh polis supaya bersurai daripada satu perhimpunan haram, mungkin berpunca daripada pembangkang yang merasa tertekan kerana tidak mampu membangunkan negeri itu semasa ia berkuasa di Terengganu.
"Ini adalah satu bukti mereka tidak bertanggungjawab dan tidak ada idea untuk membangun negeri itu," kata Perdana Menteri kepada pemberita sebelum berlepas ke Singapura untuk berucap pada Persidangan Forbes malam ini.
Dalam rusuhan itu, 23 orang orang ditahan kerana bertindak ganas termasuk menyerang polis dan membakar Jalur Gemilang. Empat anggota polis dilaporkan cedera setelah diserang oleh perusuh.
Abdullah berkata polis tidak akan mengenakan tindakan mengikut Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri terhadap mereka yang ditahan itu sebaliknya akan bertindak mengikut prosedur biasa.
Beliau berkata pembangkang sengaja mahu mencemar kerajaan Barisan Nasional kerana mereka tahu mereka tidak ada peluang untuk menang dalam pilihan raya akan datang.
Perdana Menteri berkata rusuhan itu menunjukkan pembangkang mempunyai niat jahat mungkin kerana rakyat sedang bergembira ketika menyambut ulang tahun ke-50 kemerdekaan negara.
Beliau berharap rakyat bersyukur dan menghargai keamanan dan keselamatan selain menikmati pembangunan dan kemakmuran negara.
Mengenai Laporan Ketua Audit Negara 2006 yang menyenaraikan beberapa kelemahan dalam pengurusan wang oleh kementerian dan jabatan kerajaan, Abdullah berkata semua anggota kabinet telah diarah mengemas kini laporan audit masing-masing bagi menentukan sebarang persoalan yang timbul dapat dijelaskan sepenuhnya.
Katanya arahan itu telah dibuat dalam mesyuarat kabinet yang lepas sebelum beliau menghadiri sidang kemuncak Apec di Sydney.
Abdullah berkata beliau yakin pihak berkuasa yang berkenaan dapat memberi penjelasan mengenai mana-mana perbelanjaan yang menimbulkan keraguan.
Abdullah juga mengulangi bahawa Umno tidak akan membuka cawangannya di Sarawak.
Mengenai peruntukan RM4 bilion kepada Sarawak seperti yang beliau umumkan dalam Bajet 2008 Jumaat lepas, Perdana Menteri berkata ia akan digunakan untuk pelbagai projek bagi meningkatkan taraf hidup penduduk negeri itu.
Labels: batu burok, Malaysia, Pak Lah
Bush puji pendekatan hadhari
1 Comments Published by TasekPauh Blogspot on Sunday, September 09, 2007 at 12:59 AM.
Berita Harian, Oleh Wan Hazmir Bakar di Sydney, Australia
Sep 8 - PRESIDEN Amerika Syarikat, George W Bush, semalam memuji pendekatan Islam Hadhari yang dilaksanakan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi bagi memantapkan kedudukan ekonomi dan kesederhanaan masyarakat, sekali gus mengekang unsur militan.

"Negara di rantau ini memberi bantuan ekonomi kepada masyarakat susah di mana pengganas beroperasi supaya kita dapat membantu pemimpin sederhana agar masyarakatnya menolak keganasan dan politik radikal.
"Di Malaysia, Perdana Menteri mempromosikan apa yang beliau gelar Islam Hadhari kepada rakyat Malaysia untuk membuktikan bahawa sebuah negara Islam boleh menjadi moden, demokratik, toleransi dan berdaya saing dalam ekonomi,” katanya.
Dalam ucapan yang banyak menyentuh isu keselamatan daripada ekonomi itu, Bush turut memuji kerjasama Malaysia dan negara Asia Tenggara lain kepada Amerika dalam kempen memerangi keganasan antarabangsa.
Katanya, Malaysia dan Amerika sudah mewujudkan Pusat Serantau Asia Tenggara Bagi Memerangi Keganasan (SEARCCT) di Kuala Lumpur, manakala pusat latihan penguat kuasa undang-undang di Jakarta dan Bangkok pula sedang memantapkan keupayaan pasukan keselamatan di seluruh rantau itu.
"Perang terhadap pengganas di rantau ini adalah antara kejayaan perang terhadap keganasan yang tidak dihebahkan dan banyak yang boleh dipelajari masyarakat dunia daripada pendekatan menangani keganasan yang dilaksanakan di rantau ini," katanya.
Mengenai ekonomi, Bush meminta negara Apec lain menyertai Amerika dalam memastikan kejayaan Pusingan Doha kerana tiada satu negara pun yang mampu memastikan kejayaan rundingan perdagangan antarabangsa itu bersendirian.
Sambil menyatakan tekad Amerika untuk mencapai kejayaan itu, Bush berkata beliau percaya pembukaan pasaran akan memakmurkan ekonomi dunia dan matlamat itu hanya boleh dicapai menerusi rundingan itu.
"Apabila rundingan bersambung semula di Geneva, pemimpin setiap negara perlu membuat keputusan sukar bagi mengurangkan halangan terhadap perdagangan dan kita mesti menumpukan kepada apa yang kita akan peroleh berbanding apa yang kita mungkin hilang," katanya.
Labels: Bush, Islam Hadhari, Malaysia, Pak Lah
Masaalah PFKZ lebih besar dari yang dilaporkan - Shahrir
0 Comments Published by TasekPauh Blogspot on Friday, September 07, 2007 at 10:42 PM.
NST, Sep 7 - A MEETING between the Public Accounts Committee and Port Klang Authority (PKA) officials has raised more questions than answers.
"The problem with the Port Klang Free Zone is far bigger than what the papers have reported," he said yesterday.
"Far too many questions were left unanswered."
When asked whether he was satisfied with the discussion, Shahrir said: "Look at us (the committee members). You can see from our body language that we are not."
The project first raised eyebrows when PKA bought 405ha in Pulau Indah in 2002 for RM1.088 billion, or RM25 per sq ft, from Kuala Dimensi Sdn Bhd. The land purchase was followed by RM1.845 billion in costs for the development of the free trade zone.
In July, port operator Jebel Ali Free Zone Authority (Jafza) withdrew from a contract to manage PKFZ.
Last month, the Transport Ministry said the government had agreed to extend a loan of an unspecified amount to the heavily-indebted PKA to help cover the total cost which had ballooned to RM4.6 billion, including interest and other charges.
Shahrir referred to the auditor-general’s report on PKA for the 2005 financial year, showing PKA’s liquid assets to be inadequate in financing its capital obligations.
"According to the report, PKA’s liquidity as of December 2005 was RM231.75 million, while the tax surplus was RM26.63 million, so PKA would need additional financing to meet its capital obligations of RM4.11 billion."
Those present at the meeting included PKA general manager Datin Paduka O.C. Phang and Transport Ministry secretary-general Datuk Zakaria Bahari.
Labels: Islam Hadhari, Malaysia
9 Comments Published by TasekPauh Blogspot on Monday, September 03, 2007 at 11:32 PM.
Daripada Aisyah r.a., beliau berkata (menceritakan) bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w. apabila ingin keluar (bermusafir), baginda akan membuat undian di kalangan isteri-isterinya. Maka sesiapa yang keluar undiannya, maka dialah yang akan keluar bersama dengan Rasulullah s.a.w.. Satu kali, ketika baginda ingin keluar dalam satu peperangan[2], aku berjaya mencabut undian, (dan akulah yang boleh pergi bersama Rasulullah s.a.w.). Lalu aku pun keluar bersama baginda dan musafir ini berlaku setelah turunnya ayat hijab (larangan lelaki daripada melihat kepada perempuan, kerana sebelum ini tidaklah dilarang). Aku dibawa dengan haudaj ( tempat yang biasanya diletakkan perempuan di dalamnya dan ia diikat di atas belakang unta) dan aku diletakan di situ. Lalu kami keluar (bersama Rasulullah s.a.w. dan para sahabat panglima perang baginda) sehinggalah apabila selesai peperangan, dan kami pun balik ke Madinah.
Perjalanan Pulang
Dan pada satu malam, setelah hampir dengan Madinah, ( kami berhenti rehat), dimaklumkan bahawa (rombongan) kita akan bergerak (pulang). Tatkala mereka sibuk saling memberitahu untuk bergerak, aku pula berjalan (berseorangan) pergi berjauhan dengan para tentera (untuk qada hajat). Setelah aku selesai, aku pun kembali, tiba-tiba aku dapati manik-manik Azfar[3] rantai leherku telah putus (dan hilang). Lalu aku pun pergi sekali lagi ke situ untuk mencari rantaiku itu. Dan kumpulan yang berjalan bersamaku pun mula mengangkat haudajku, dan mereka pun mula mengenderai unta yang ku naiki. Mereka menyangka aku sudahpun berada di dalamnya. Dan kaum wanita pada masa itu (biasanya) kurus-kurus, tidaklah berat dengan lemak, kerana mereka sentiasa makan sedikit sahaja. Kerana itulah mereka tidak perasan (ketiadaanku) semasa mereka mengangkatkan haudaj tersebut. (Tambahan lagi) aku hanyalah seorang budak. Mereka pun menggerakkan unta dan mula berjalan. Setelah para tentera meneruskan perjalanan, aku pun jumpai rantaiku itu. Setelah aku menjumpainya, aku pun kembali pergi ke tempat tentera tadi, dan aku dapati mereka semua sudah berangkat. Tidak ada seorangpun yang memanggilku dan tidak ada seorang pun yang akan menyahut panggilanku. Lalu aku pun duduk berada di kawasanku tadi (tempat untaku dan haudaj) dengan harapan bahawa mereka akan perasan ketiadaanku dan mereka akan kembali menemuiku. Tatkala aku berada di situ keseorangan, aku terasa terlalu mengantuk, lalu aku pun tertidur.
Safwan bin Muattal Mengambil Aisyah Dan Bermulanya Fitnah
Safwan bin Muattal as-Sulami az-Zakwani[4] pula merupakan askar yang terlewat dan berjalan di belakang para tentera. Dan tatkala beliau sampai di kawasanku, beliau nampak bayangan orang yang sedang tidur, lalu dia pun datang, dan setelah melihatku dia mengenaliku. Ini kerana dia pernah melihatku sebelum turunnya suruhan berhijab. Setelah beliau cam diriku, beliau (terkejut seraya) mengucapkan istirja’ (Inna lillahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Raji’un) dan aku terjaga (dari tidurku) kerana mendengar istirja’nya itu. Lalu aku segera menutup mukaku dengan kain penutup mukaku. Demi Allah, dia tidak bercakap denganku walau sepatah dan aku pula tidak mendengar satu kalimah pun (dari mulutnya), kecuali kata-kata istirja’nya sahaja. Lalu beliaupun menarik untanya mendekatiku dan mendudukkannya (untuk menyenangku naik tanpa perlu menyentuhku), dan aku pun naik (menunggangnya). Safwan pun mula berjalan (kaki) mengheret untanya sehinggalah kami sampai di kawasan perhentian tentera di waktu panas terik matahari.
(Aisyah meneruskan ceritanya lagi dengan katanya): Lalu dengan sebab itu binasalah orang yang binasa (dengan menyebarkan fitnah bahawa aku berzina dengan Safwan) dan orang yang mengepalai fitnah besar ini ialah Abdullah bin Ubai bin Salul.
Aisyah Ditimpa Demam Setelah Sampai Di Madinah
Setelah aku sampai di Madinah, aku ditimpa demam selama sebulan, dan orang ramai pula heboh dengan cerita yang dibawa oleh pendusta-pendusta itu, dan aku pula sedikitpun tidak mengetahui fitnah tersebut. (Semasa demam itu, Aisyah berada di rumah Rasulullah s.a.w. dan dijaga oleh emaknya). Cuma yang menghairankan aku ialah semasa demamku ini, aku tidak melihat lemah lembut Rasulullah s.a.w. (sikap kebiasaan baginda). Baginda hanya masuk menjengokku, memberi salam dan bertanya khabar sahaja, dan kemudian baginda akan beredar. Itu sahaja yang menghairankanku.
Aisyah Mula Mengetahui Fitnah
Dan aku sedikit pun tidak mengetahui fitnah tersebut, sehingalah aku beransur sembuh (belum sembuh sepenuhnya) aku keluar bersama Ummu Mistah menuju ke Manasi’ iaitu (tempat yang biasa digunakan untuk qada hajat). Dan biasanya (orang pada masa itu) tidak datang ke situ kecuali pada sebelah malam, dan cerita ini sebelum adanya tandas berdekatan dengan rumah. Kami pada masa itu samalah seperti orang arab kuno dulu yang keluar qada hajat jauh dari kawasan rumah dan tidak suka disediakan tandas di kawasan rumah. Lalu aku keluar bersama Ummu Mistah dan dia ialah anak perempuan Abu Ruham bin Abd Manaf, dan emaknya pula ialah anak perempuan Sohkr bin Amir iaitu (emaknya adalah) emak saudara Abu Bakar. Anaknya pula ialah Mistah bin Usasah. Setelah sampai ke situ, Ummu Mistah terjatuh dan dia berkata: Celaka Mistah. Lalu aku berkata: Alangkah buruknya perkataanmu. Adakah kamu ingin mencela orang yang pernah masuk perang Badar? Dia menjawab: Aduhai Aisyah! Adakah kamu tidak mengetahui apa yang dia telah katakan? Aku menjawab: apa pula yang dia sudah katakana? Lalu dia mula menceritakan fitnah yang dilemparkan kepadaku oleh para pendusta itu. Dan bertambah buruk pula demamku dengan sebab cerita yang aku baru dengar itu.
Aisyah Meminta Keizinan Untuk Kembali Ke Rumah Orang Tuanya
Setelah aku pulang ke rumah, dan Rasulullah s.a.w. masuk menjengukku. Baginda memberi salam dan bertanya khabar, aku berkata: Adakah kamu izinkan aku kalau aku ingin pulang ke rumah kedua ibu bapaku? Sebenarnya aku meminta demikian untuk mencari kepastian daripada kedua ibu bapaku mengenai fitnah tersebut. Lalu Rasulullah s.a.w. izinkanku. Setelah aku sampai ke rumah orang tuaku, aku bertanya ibuku: Wahai ibu, apakah yang orang ramai sedang perkatakan? Ibuku menjawab: (dia sudahpun mengetahui tentang fitnah tersebut) Wahai anak kesayanganu, sabarlah dan janganlah benda ini menyusahkanmu. Mana-mana perempuan cantik yang bermadu, dan dia pula disukai oleh suaminya, sudah tentu ramai orang akan mengatanya. Aku menjawab: Subhanallah. Adakah orang ramai sudah bercakap tentangnya? Air mataku pada malam itu tidak putus-putus dan aku tidak mampu tidur kerana menangis sampai ke pagi.
Rasulullah s.a.w. Berbincang Dengan Para Sahabat Mengenai Aisyah
Rasulullah s.a.w. pula memanggil Ali bin Abu Talib dan Usamah bin Zaid untuk membincangkan mengenai (buruk baik jika baginda) menceraikan isteri baginda. Ini kerana lambatnya turun wahyu dalam masalah ini. Usamah bin Zaid menyatakan pendapatnya berdasarkan apa yang beliau tahu mengenai kebaikan ahli keluarga Rasulullah dan beliau menganggap bahawa sebenarnya keluarga baginda bebas daripada tuduhan tersebut. Beliau berkata: Kami tdak mengetahui tentang keluargamu wahai Rasulullah melainkan yang baik sahaja. Ali pula (untuk menghilangkan keresahan baginda dengan fitnah tersebut) berkata: Wahai Rasulullah, Allah sesekali tidak akan menyempitkanmu, ramai lagi wanita selain Aisyah. Dan jika kamu bertanya jariahnya (khadam perempuan Aisyah) nescaya dia akan bercakap benar denganmu. Rasulullah s.a.w. pun memanggil Barirah (khadam Aisyah) dan baginda bersabda bertanya: Wahai Barirah, adakah sesuatu yang kamu ragui mengenai Aisyah? Barirah menjawab: Tidak. Demi Allah yang mengutuskanmu dengan kebenaran, aku tidak pernah melihat pada Aisyah satu perkara pun yang meragukanku. Cumanya aku menganggap beliau adalah seorang budak yang masih mentah yang boleh tertidur ketika menjaga tepung keluarganya, lalu datanglah binatang yang memakannya[5]. (Maksud Barirah ialah Aisyah sedikit pun tak terlintas melakukan perkara seperti yang disebut oleh para penyebar fitnah itu).
Rasulullah s.a.w. Terasa Dengan Fitnah Tersebut
Lalu Rasulullah s.a.w. bangun pada masa itu menuntut bela untukku terhadap Abdullah bin Ubai bin Salul. Baginda bersabda: siapakah di kalangan kamu yang ingin menolong menuntut bela bagiku terhadap seorang lelaki yang telah sampai kepadaku kejahatannya terhadap isteriku? Demi Allah, aku tidak mengetahui tentang isteriku kecuali perkara yang baik. Dan mereka juga (para pendusta) menyebut seorang lelaki yang aku tidak mengetahui mengenainya melainkan kebaikan sahaja[6]. Dan dia tidak pernah masuk kepada isteriku melainkan dengan bersamaku.
Aus Dan Khazraj Bertengkar Di Hadapan Rasulullah s.a.w.
Lalu bangunlah Saad bin Muaz, iaitu seorang Ansar dan berkata: Wahai Rasulullah, aku sanggup menuntut bela untukmu. Kalaulah dia di kalangan orang Aus, aku akan penggal lehernya, dan jika di kalangan saudara kami orang Khazraj, kamu suruh saja kami, nescaya kami akan laksanakannya. Lalu bangunlah Saad bin Ubadah, dan beliau merupakan ketua kaum Khazraj, dan beliau sebelumnya merupakan seorang yang soleh, tetapi semangat perkaumannya menyebabkan dia berkata kepada Saad: kamu berdusta, Demi Allah. kamu tidak akan membunuhnya (kaummu) dan kamu tidak akan mampu membunuhnya. Lalu anak saudara Saad bin Muaz, iaitu Usaid bin Khudair bangun dan berkata kepada Saad bin Ubadah: Demi Allah, kamulah sebenarnya yang berdusta. Kami pasti akan membunuhnya. Sesungguhnya kamu adalah orang munafiq yang berhujah untuk kaum munafiqin (ini kerana Abdullah bin Ubai adalah dari kalangan kaum Khaazraj). Lalu kaum Aus dan Khazraj saling bangun membantu kaum masing sehingga hampir berlaku peperangan. Sedangkan Rasulullah s.a.w. pada masa itu berdiri di atas minbar. Dan baginda pun mula menenangkan mereka sehinggalah mereka semua diam, barulah baginda berhenti.
Kesedihan Aisyah
Aisyah berkata: sejak daripada hari itu, air mataku mencurah-curah tidak putus dan aku berjaga sepanjang malam. Akhirnya kedua ibu bapaku berada bersamaku sentiasa. Dan sememangnya aku telah mengangis selama sehari dua malam tak putus dengan air mata dan berjaga sepanjang malam, sehingga mereka berdua menyangka bahawa ia akan merosakkan jantungku. Tatkala mereka berdua berada bersamaku, dan aku pula masih lagi menagis, tiba-tiba datanglah seorang perempuan Ansar meminta izin untuk berjumpaku, lalu aku benarkan dia masuk berjumpaku. Lalu dia masuk dan duduk menangis bersamaku.
Rasulullah s.a.w. Bertanya Aisyah Tentang Cerita Orang Ramai
Ketika itu, tiba-tiba Rasulullah s.a.w. masuk dan baginda memberi salam dan duduk. Sebelum ini, baginda tidak pernah duduk di sisiku sejak tersebarnya fitnah tersebut. Dan sudah berlalu sebulan, tidak ada satu wahyu pun yang turun mengenaiku. Kemudian Rasulullah s.a.w. memulakan kata-katanya dengan pujian kepada Allah dan ucapan syahadah, lalu baginda bersabda: Wahai Aisyah, telah sampai kepadaku berita tentangmu begini-begini. Kalaulah kamu memang tidak melakukannya, nescaya Allah akan membebaskan kamu, dan jika kamu telah melakukan dosa, istighfarlah kepada Allah dan bertaubatlah kepadaNya. Sesungguhnya seorang hamba bila dia mengakui dengan dosanya, dan bertaubat memohon keampunan daripada Allah, nescaya Allah akan mengampunkannya.
Jawapan Aisyah Terhadap Soalan Rasulullah s.a.w.
Setelah Rasulullah s.a.w. selesai kata-katanya, air mataku terhenti, dan aku tidak merasakannya walaupun setitik. Aku berkata kepada ayahku (Abu Bakar): jawablah apa yang dikatakan oleh Rasulullah. Dia menjawab: Demi Allah, aku tidak mengetahui apakah yang boleh aku katakan kepada Rasulullah s.a.w. Lalu aku berkata kepada ibuku: Jawablah kata-kata Rasulullah s.a.w. Dia juga menjawab perkataan yang sama: Demi Allah, aku tidak mengetahui apakah yang boleh aku katakana kepada Rasulullah s.a.w. Lalu aku sendiri bercakap, sedangkan aku masih lagi seorang pemudi yang mentah dan aku tidaklah mengahafal banyak ayat suci al-Qur’an. Aku berkata: sesungguhnya demi Allah, aku memang dah mengetahui bahawa kamu semua telah mendengar cerita ini, dan cerita ini dah pun berada di jiwa kamu semua, dan kamu semua mempercayainya. Kalaulah aku berkata yang aku ini tidak bersalah –Dan Allah sahaja yang mengetahui bahwa aku tidaklah bersalah- kamu semua tidak akan mempercayaiku. Dan jika aku mengakui -sedangkan Allah mengetahui bahawa aku tidaklah bersalah- tentulah kamu semua mempercayainya. Demi Allah, tidak ada umpama bagiku melainkan seperti perkataan ayah Nabi Yusuf (dalam riwayat yang lain, Aisyah tercari-cari nama ayah Nabi Yusof, iaitu Nabi Yaaqub, tetapi kerana kesedihan yang menimpanya menyebabkan beliau terlupa), iaitu: ( Sabar adalah lebih baik, dan Allah sahaja tempat aku memohon pertolongan daripada apa yang mereka katakan). Lalu aku pun memalingkan mukaku dan aku berbaring di tilamku.
Impian Aisyah
Pada ketika itu, aku yakin bahawa aku tidak bersalah, dan Allah sendiri yang akan menyataka bahawa aku tidak bersalah (sebab tiada siapa lagi selain Allah yang mampu membebaskanku). Tetapi, demi Allah, aku tidak pernah menyangka bahawa Allah akan menurunkan ayat suci al-Qur’an yang akan sentiasa dibaca (sehingga kiamat) dalam urusanku ini. Dan urusanku ini pada diriku adalah sangat kecil (dan tidak perlulah) Allah bercakap dengan wahyu yang akan sentiasa dibaca. Tetapi aku cuma berharap bahawa Rasullah s.a.w. bermimpi dalam tidurnya bahawa Allah menyatakan bahawa aku ini tidak bersalah.
Turunnya Wahyu Membenarkan Aisyah
Aisyah meneruskan lagi ceritanya. Demi Allah pada masa itu, Rasulllah s.a.w masih belum berganjak, dan tidak ada seorang pun yang beredar sehinggalah turunnya wahyu kepada baginda. Lalu nampaklah pada baginda seperti orang yang sangat kuat demamnya sehinggalah keluarlah peluh seperti permata walaupun pada hari yang sangat sejuk, kerana beratnya perkataan yang diwahyukan kepadanya. Setelah hilang keadannya itu, baginda kelihatan terlalu gembira. Dan kalimah pertama yang ducapkannya ialah, wahai Aisyah, bergembiralah, sesungguhnya Allah SWT telahpun membebaskanmu. Lalu ibuku berkata kepadaku: bangunlah kepada Rasulullah (untuk ucapkan terima kasih kepada baginda). Aku menjawab: Demi Allah, aku tidak akan bangun kepadanya (pergi memeluknya), dan aku tidak akan memuji kecuali Allah sahaja (yang telah membebaskanku). Dan Allah telah turunkan ayat “Sesungguhnya segolongan di kalangan kamu yang membawa berita dusta itu[7]…sepuluh ayat semuanya.
Sikap Abu Bakar SetelahTurunnya Wahyu Tentang Kesucian Aisyah
Setelah Allah SWT turunkan ayat yang membebaskanku, Abu Bakar as-Siddiq yang sentiasa memberikan sedekah kepada Mistah kerana dia adalah kerabatnya, dan dia pula seorang yang miskin, berkata: Demi Allah, aku tidak akan memberikan sesuatu pun kepada Mistah setelah apa yang dia katakan kepada Aisyah. Lalu Allah SWT turunkan ayat : “Dan janganlah orang-orang yang mempunyai kelebihan dan kelapangan di antara kamu bersumpah bahwa mereka (tidak) akan memberi (bantuan) kepada kaum kerabat(nya), orang-orang yang miskin dan orang-orang yang berhijrah pada jalan Allah, dan hendaklah mereka mema'afkan dan berlapang dada. Apakah kamu tidak ingin bahwa Allah mengampunimu? dan Allah adalah Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang”. Lalu Abu Bakar berkata: Bahkan. Demi Allah, aku sangat suka kalau Allah mengampunkaku. Lalu dia pun meneruskan sedekah yang menjadi kebiasaanya kepada Mistah, dan berkata: Demi Allah, aku tidak akan menghentikan lagi sedekahku ini.
Pandangan Zainab Terhadap Aisyah
Aisyah berkata lagi: Rasulullah s.a.w. juga pernah bertanya Zainab binti Jahsy tentangku. Baginda bersabda: Wahai Zainab, apakah yang kamu tahu atau nampak tentang Aisyah? Zainab menjawab: wahai Rasulullah, aku menjaga telinga dan mataku. Aku tidaklah mengetahui tentang Aisyah melainkan kebaikan sahaja. Padahal dialah yang sentiasa menyaingi aku di kalangan isteri-isteri Rasulullah s.a.w. , tetapi beliau (tidak memburukkanku kerana) Allah menjaganya dengan sebab kewarakan yang ada padanya. Tetapi saudarinya iaitu Hamnah tidak menyetujui Zainab (kerana ingin merendahkanku dan menaikkan saudarinya iaitu Zainab), lalu dia binasa (berdosa) bersama-sama dengan orang binasa di kalangan para pendusta itu.
Hadis riwayat Imam Bukhari (4750) daripada Urwah dalam Kitab Tafsir, bab ke 60.
[1] Hadis Ifki adalah satu istilah yang digunakan untuk kisah fitnah terhadap Ummul Mukminin, Saiditina Aisyah r.a. Dan ifki bererti pembohongan yang melampau. Cerita yang saya kemukakan ini adalah terjemahan hadis riwayat Imam Bukhari, dalam Kitab at-Tafsir, bab 60 dalam kitab Sohih Bukhari. Saya cuma meletakkan tajuk-tajuk dan nota kaki (untuk menyenangkan pembacaan). Segala kesilapan penterjemahan (jika ada) adalah tidak disengajakan dan harap diperbetulkan.
[2] Peperangan Bani Mustoaliq, mengikut penerangan Ibnu Hajar al-Asqalani, dan ia terdapat keterangan yang sorih dalam riwayat Ibnu Ishaq. Rujuk, Fathul Bari, jilid 8, m/s585. Peperangan ini berlaku pada bulan syakban tahun kelima atau keenam Hijrah. Rujuk ar-Rahiqul Makhtum.
[3] Para ulamak juga kurang pasti tentang daripada apakah rantai itu dibuat. Ada yang menganggap bahawa ia adalah daripada manik batu Zafari, satu Bandar di Yaman. Ada juga yang menganggap bahawa ia mungkin diperbuat daripada sejenis kayu wangi yang boleh dijadikan kemenyan. Kayu tersebut dijadikan manik-manik rantai mungkin kerana kecantikan warnanya atau kerana kewangiannya. Ada juga riwayat yang mengatakan harga rantai leher itu hanyalah dua belas dirham. Ini menunjukkan bahawa ia bukan manik batu Zafari, kerana kalaulah manik batu Zafari, sudah tentu harganya lebih mahal. Fathul Bari.
[4] Safwan bin Muattal merupakan seorang sahabat yang terbilang, dan antara yang awal memeluk Islam, kerana dia juga pernah menyertai peperangan Khandak. Dia adalah sahabat yang dipuji oleh Rasulullah s.a.w. (sebagaimana yang akan datang dalam hadis ini. Sebab beliau terlewat ialah kerana beliau meminta untuk ditugaskan sebagai orang yang akan memastikan barangan yang teercicir oleh para tentera dipungut oleh beliau. Beliau mati syahid sebagaimaana yang diceritakan oleh Aisyah. Beliau syahid dalam peperangan Armania, pada tahun ke 9 Hijrah, semasa zaman pemerintahan Umar.
[5] Ini kerana Barirah pernah mengisarkan tepung untuk dijadikan roti, dan dia menyuruh Aisyah menjaganya sebentar. Tetapi Aisyah boleh tertidur dan lalai untuk menjaganya, sehingga tepung itu dimakan oleh bebiri. Maksud Barirah ialah, kalaulah Aisyah boleh lalai dalam menjaga tepung tadi, maka lebih-lebih lagilah Aisyah tak terlintas untuk melakukan perzinaan sebagaimana yang dituduh oleh para pendusta itu.
[6] Pujian Rasulullah s.a.w. terhadap Safwan bin al-Muattal. Sudah ditakdirkan bahawa yang dituduh bersekedudukan dengan Aisyah adalah seorang yang terlalu menjauhkan diri daripada perempuan. Beliau pernah berkata bahawa beliau tidak pernah membuka kain yang menutup auarat perempuan samada secara halal atau pun haram. Kerana inilah beliau telah menetak Hassan bin Thabit (penyair Rasulullah) dengan pedangnya kerana beliau juga antara yang termakan dengan fitnah tersebut dan menyebarkannya. Dan Rasulullah meminta supaya Hassan memaafkannya, lalu dia (Sofwan) dilepaskan.
[7] Ayat 11-20 surah an-Nur.
Tuan Mohd Sapuan Tuan Ismail, UPI, KIAS, 0136353463