Palestin - Testimoni kelemahan Pak Lah
0 Comments Related Articles Published by TasekPauh Blogspot on Sunday, February 11, 2007 at 9:00 AM.Sebagai ketua OIC, sepatutnya beliau juga turut terkehadapan mengambil inisiatif menyelesaikan masaalah ummah termasuk pertelingkahan Fatah-Hamas baru-baru ini. Beliau juga sapatutnya di barisan hadapan mengutuk kuasa zalim Amerika, Zionis Yahudi dan sekutu mereka yang bertindak ganas yang sedang berlaku di Iraq, Lebanon, Aghanistan, Somalia dan lain-lain termasuk tindakan ganas Israel mencoroboh Masjid al-Aqsa.
Sebaliknya beliau hanya mampu menyuruh Syed Hamid mengeluarkan kenyataan sokongan atas usaha Saudi menjayakan perundingan Hamas dan Fatah di Mekah minggu lepas. Manakala beliau masih berdiam kelu. Dia tentu sedar, dia sudah bangkit, tapi tidak terdaya membuat apa-apa tindakan kerana pimpinannya terlampau lemah. Atau beliau masih nyenyak tidur dengan sekularisma dan nasionalismanya?
M'sia Supports
Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar said that it was hoped that the peace agreement reached by them in
"A sharing of portfolios in a unity government in Palestine is a positive development as this will help bring about peace," he told Bernama after presenting scholarships to pupils of Tamil schools in the Puchong parliamentary constituency near here Friday night.
The peace agreement between the two, called the Mecca Declaration, calls for a unity government to be formed in
Syed Hamid said that the peace process in
Commenting on the type of help Malaysia would be able to provide, Syed Hamid said that Malaysia had given its wholehearted support for the Palestinians all along and since last year a total of US$16 million (RM56 million) had been channeled to Palestine whose people had been subjected to various sanctions and other difficulties.
"This had helped local councils there make necessary payments and
He said that the
Hamas had won the popular vote in the last general election in
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