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Berita : Siniora nafi bersama Israel dalam perang

Fuad Siniora denied Nasrallah accusations that he had colluded with Israel during the recent war and accused Hezbollah of plotting a coup.

Hezbollah accused of plotting coup & denied working with Israel in the recent war

The Lebanese prime minister has accused Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of the Shia movement Hezbollah, of plotting a coup.

Fuad Siniora also denied Nasrallah accusations that he had colluded with Israel during the recent war and said the Hezbollah chief should have waited before levelling the charges.

Siniora said on Friday Nasrallah's calls for more protests calling for his government's resignation revealed his intentions.

"His position yesterday showed that he is trying to work on a coup, or at least he is threatening to carry out a coup," Siniora said.

Nasrallah address

In a televised address on Thursday, Nasrallah vowed that street protests would continue until the opposition's demands were achieved to form a new national unity government.

Nasrallah said the "the doors of negotiation are still open", but added that if the ruling anti-Syrian majority remained "stubborn ... we will not accept any of you to head the next government ... we will form an interim government that will hold early elections".

The opposition, made up mainly of Christian and Shia factions, no longer recognises the government after six pro-Syrian ministers resigned last month.

The government, backed by an anti-Syrian parliament majority elected in 2005, has rejected repeated demands from Hezbollah and its allies for increased representation which would give them an effective veto in the cabinet. alJazeera.net

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