MyVi untuk MyKad, macam2 ada dlm kabinet
0 Comments Related Articles Published by TasekPauh Blogspot on Friday, February 16, 2007 at 6:18 PM.Sementara Shahidan menyelar Radzi dan meminta beliau menarik balik perkataan 'bodoh', Azmi pula memberitahu projek tersebut sudah lama ditangguhkan. Beginilah keadaannya apabila keputusan yang dibuat tidak difikirkan masak-masak. Walaupun kepincangan kerajaan dibawah pimpinan BN amat ketara, namun mereka sentiasa terlepas dari hukuman rakyat. Kenapa ya?
Azmi Khalid Postponed Mykad Lucky Draw Some Time Ago
PUTRAJAYA, Feb 15 (Bernama) - Datuk Seri Azmi Khalid said he had postponed the MyKad lucky draw long before Datuk Seri Radzi Sheikh Ahmad took over as Home Affairs Minister.
The Natural Resources and Environment Minister added he postponed the lucky draw because he did not want the issue to be a laughing matter among the people after the government announced a RM10 fine on those who made the MyKad after Dec 31, 2005.
"When it was announced at the end of the year that the fine was RM10, many people criticised the fine. Some said they had unnecessarily sacrificed in making the MyKad while those who had not made the MyKad smiled.
"At that time I felt undecided. So we postponed the lucky draw. We said the issue should not be highlighted. That was the mood at that time," Azmi said during the RTM programme "60 minutes With A Minister" at Angkasapuri last night.
A part of the interview transcript was faxed to the media Thursday.
On Aug 24, 2005, Azmi who was then Home Affairs Minister announced the lucky draw which offered various prizes totalling RM300,000 with the first prize being a Myvi car valued at RM50,000 to 16 million applicants and holders of MyKad before Nov 30, 2005.
Two draws were held -- at the end of September and October, 2005, each offering 80 prizes.
However, the last draw scheduled for end of November was not held until today.
Yesterday, Radzi criticised the lucky draw to encourage the people to apply for their MyKad, calling it "silly".
Azmi said during the interview that he was transfered to his current ministry in February 2006 and forgot to inform Radzi of the postponement. Others in the Home Affairs Ministry also forgot to do so.
He told RTM that he discussed the matter with Radzi and both men decided that "the matter had ended a long time ago and let us contribute what is available to orphanages".
"I agreed because he is in charge of the task today, and if he made the decision, I abide by it," Azmi said.
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